Sunday, May 31, 2009

What happened during May

Due to the equipment deficiency and various unpredictable weather conditions, below please find image records of mix-dated events happened during May. (Taken by my Nokia Cellphone under stormy days...) [ EVENTS ] [ FOOD ] [ PEOPLE ]

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Roller Cooster Tycoon 2


Sunday, May 24, 2009

Que bonita

fem. sing. de bonito

1. Agradável à vista ou ao ouvido.
2. Digno de menção.
3. Irón. Em bons lençóis, bem-arranjado.

s. m.
4. Brinquedo, boneco.
5. Espécie de atum.
6. Fazê-la bonita!: fazer um disparate.
Styling (Hair & make-up), Photography: me
Model: Bonnie Liu X.Y.
Taken at: Swire Hall, HKU, Hong Kong

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hainan Elaeocarpus and The University of Hong Kong

載著 標榜不沉的宿命
抱緊 咆哮的浮萍

我 微笑著沉下去
一顆 忘了光年的流星

記憶 水葫蘆里
霍亂 一起瘋長的心情
我 安靜地看風景
貪戀 只有刺的薔薇刑

Photographer: me
Taken at: The Main Building, HKU, HK
Poem by: Joey C.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hainan Elaeocarpus

_______________________ photographer: jtyc
taken at: The Main Building, HKU, HK

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Something about the sunset

此刻 只需要添加少許 的懷疑
步道上的鵝卵石 正無聲的在挪移
一堆 進化上岸的 停止回游的情緒
全脫水在花園裏 乾燥的 在膨脹壓力
再加入幾湯匙 終究會開花的雛菊
在水滾前 葉片還是努力維持著 一臉的綠
熄火的野炊 在草地上釋放原先的 想像力
鍋裏的佐料 還剩下 一指尖微量的挑剔
終於 喂飽了 我們家貓咪
卻忐忑不知 她 下一餐換吃 哪一種魚

NO53. 皺紋
我用第一人稱 將過往的愛與恨
抄寫在我們 的劇本
我用第二人稱 在劇中痛哭失聲
與最愛的人 道離分
我用第三人稱 描述來不及溫存
就已經轉身 的青春

Photography & model : jtyc

Cheung Chau Bun Festival, Hong Kong

長洲太平清醮 - 農曆四月初八

Dated: 2nd, May 2009
Location: Cheung Chau, Hong Kong
Photography: jtyc
Official Website here

The weeklong festival climaxes with a large, carnival-like street procession featuring costumed children on stilts held aloft above the crowd, lion dances and other colourful participants. The parade winds its way through the narrow streets to the grounds near the Pak Tai Temple, which are dominated by enormous bamboo towers studded with sweet white buns, and where the main festivities take place. At midnight, athletes scramble up one of the towers in a contest to grab the top-most 'luckiest' ones.


Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Cosmos Bipinnatus

Cosmos bipinnatus, commonly called the garden cosmos or Mexican aster, is a medium sized flowering herbaceous plant sometimes grown in gardens. It can be found in the wild in much of North America where it is a garden escapee, sometimes becoming weedy.
This species is considered a half-hardy annual, although plants may re-appear via self-sowing for several years. The plant height varies from two to four feet. The cultivated varieties appear in shades of pink and purple as well as white. Its foliage is finely-cut into threadlike segments.
Some more info on Wikipedia

Photography: jtyc

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I dwell in possibility

click for larger version
I dwell in Possibility-
A fairer House than Prose-
More numerous of Windows-
Superior-for Doors-

Of Chambers as the Cedars-

Impregnable of Eye-
And for an Everlasting Roof
The Gambrels of the Sky--

Of Visitors-The fairest-
For Occupation-This-
The spreading wide my narrow Hands
To gather Paradise--

Emily Dickinson #657

Monday, May 11, 2009


Some greeneries taken by me. Let me know if you want a larger version as cellphone wallpaper or desktop.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Jessica @ 한국


1. 韓國人都很瘦,基本上沒有癡肥的男性在街上移動。癡肥的女性倒看到不少,應該是因為女生不用當兵吧~每天安排的食物都離不開這個大白菜、大蘿蔔、豆芽菜、豆腐干和喝白開水。配菜永遠是這個辣椒醬、整粒的蒜頭和鹽一小碟。就是形式上變化下,今天是火鍋,明天就是燒烤,後天是XX,如此類推。自己將就將就。

2. 韓國很乾淨,空氣也比香港好。但是市面上塞車巨嚴重,私家車巨多。垃圾桶跟香港的相比是迷你形的,小小的,就像家裡廁所裡面的那個一樣。出現的時候不會只有單個~而是成雙成對地出現,上面還有圈圈叉叉的韓語,意思是叫你把垃圾分個類再丟。可惜垃圾桶沒有提供英文說明版本,本人對此相當迷惑,握住一推紙和一推塑料袋揣摩良久,終於還是丟回到巴上司機旁邊的垃圾桶。而且買東西(是任何東西)都要你自己帶袋子,要不然那收銀美女就面帶微笑、臉不紅、心不跳地用韓語問你一句你聽不懂的OOXX,你回贈笑容表示認同,就額外加你幾塊塑料袋錢~

3. 韓國美女看多了就會覺得都是一個樣子,尤其是上了年紀的啊朱媽~ 那個捲髮就如同在臉蛋旁邊四周圍上一圈黑麥小饅頭,曾一度懷疑怎么可能人人的髮型都一樣,是否有專門批發阿朱媽假髮的店存在。而且無論是黑是白膚色都巨亮,貌似涂了反光漆,口紅是桃紅色的,青春無敵個個還帶個絲巾。果然是紀律部隊的國家,做什麽都步伐一致。那化妝品店裡賣美白產品的都是猛男,穿個短袖緊身Tee,手持一隻細小的美白精華,沖著我手舞足蹈一番。視覺享受絕對比香港的sales好~強烈大力推薦~

4. 韓國人問卷調查,結果最想去的國家是泰國和香港。無奈韓國推行本國旅遊消費政策,導致個個在國際社交方面能力極差。本人跟那個五星級酒店大堂禮賓部服務員OOXX啃了半天,就來去重複個英文生字 "Internet" ,就死活聽不懂。然後再問 "email" ? "homepage" ? "computer"? 換來一臉茫然。最后我指着團章,再指香港,再做個打電話的手勢,噢~那服務員如釋重負突然很高興地拿出個fax 號碼給我,弄個A4白紙,嘴裡重複 "Hong Kong? yes? yes!" 。。。。。。本人決定默默回房,看電視。

5. 不說

6. 這國家要自備通便茶包、維他命、防曬(我被曬到起紅點點)。信用卡基本上在購物的時候用不到,現金是寶。再好的餐廳硬是缺個menu 英文|中文 翻譯,要弄個基本單詞韓語英語對照表。

한국 Beache Palace


The view from my hotel room's balcony : outdoor jacuzzi, swimming pool, the beach and carpark. Thanks Anson for the fish eye lense~

And the view on the sea-side pedestrain path, sunset.


한국 전라 북도 -- 전주시

JEOLLABUK-DO JEONJU 全羅北道 全州市Photoshop is almost useless just becuase this place is as breathtakingly stunning as it has always been. Dirtless plants and unpolluted air are what it cost for a 30 mins of walk.
I made my very first re-cycled paper: rice + water + fresh leaves + sitring and steaming. Official website of Jeonju Photography: jtyc ____________

한국 Seoul -- 이태원동. 회교도 교회

This is the very first Muslim church in the entire Korea, sitting in the area of Itaewon. Thank you Kei for the nice photos.
Kei, 당신을 감사하십시오! _____________________

한국 Seoul -- 이태원동


Spotted: metal floor tiles on the ground, with greeting words in various languages.

Many people say, “You may not know Seoul, but you should know Itaewon.”
The Itaewon shopping area covers a 1.4 km long street, stretching from Itaewon 1-dong eastwards to Hannam 2-dong. The area has a vibrant ambience with shops, restaurants, bars and street vendors. Most signboards are written in English, and English speaking people are often seen on the street.

Instead of a cup of coffe on the table, there it was, my lense cap.

More info
Photography: jtyc